Also note the information you see above may or may not change we have no idea.
www.bfclosure.com is no longer active, just like www.carreraecommerce.com has not been active for awhile under both websites Rene Jimenez had conned some people.
Here are some of the ways Rene Jimenez has conned some of us, he may have you do a service for him yes he may pay you a little bit for your small services so now you trust him, right? He then will have you do a big project or many big projects and not pay you or pay you very little after begging him to get paid.
Another way Rene Jimenez has conned some of us is he takes money upfront to do Internet related work for you such as making a website or other Internet related work etc. Rene Jimenez may do some of the work for you or if does not do the work or does not complete the work Rene Jimenez has promised you he will not refund you the Money.